Mix Music mp3
>> Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
Mix Music
A mixture is an organ stop of principal tone quality that contains multiple ranks of pipes. It is designed to be drawn with a combination of stops that forms a complete chorus (for example, principals of 8', 4', and 2' pitches). The mixture sounds the upper harmonics of each note of the keyboard. The individual pitches in the mixture are not perceived by the listener; rather, they reinforce the fundamental pitches of the chorus, adding volume and brilliance to the sound. Because a mixture's function is to add color to the tonal ensemble, multiple-rank solo stops (such as the Sesquialtera or the Cornet) are not considered mixtures.
The composition of pitches in a mixture may change (or break) several times across the compass of the keyboard. The "breaks" of a mixture involve the dropping out of a higher pitch at a given point within the keyboard's compass, and/or the addition of a lower pitch on the succeeding note.
Mixing Tips - Just Hit Mute
Mixing everything The most common noises you'll get rid of are things like some one breathing, a note book page of rhymes being turned or better yet the under lying tone of the room that starts build up as your track count increases. Using the automation of your DAW is essential to this step. Alternately you could edit out noise manually or try using a noise gate but right now the MUTE button is the star so show it some love. Using the automated mutes also makes it look cool when your mixes play back every one will thing you a pro engineer.
The other secret and mysterious power of the mute button is using it to sculpt the arrangement of your track. Use the mute button to turn of sounds during sections of a track. Every instrument in a beat or song doesn't need to play the entire way through the track. Use the mute button to create breaks in the drum patterns or open up sections of the song.
Doing this will help add interest to your mix and bring out the form of the song. Maybe if you just came out of a heavy section of a song like the chorus you could mute out a few instruments at the beginning of the verse so they dynamics of the track change and contrast a bit. Then as the verse continues slowly add instruments back in building back up to the chorus. The possibilities of what you can do with your beats and songs in endless and so are the amount of interest it will add to your mix.
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